Well it has only been over 2 weeks and I haven't posted about my niece coming into the world! It was such a good day, to good not to document. My sisters official due date was June 15 but closer to the end the doctors were saying that they were thinking it looked like her due date should have been closer to the 20th or 25th. So we weren't quite sure when baby girl would get here! Alecia (my sister/the mom) was more that ready to have this baby, her due date came and passed and still no baby! They set June 23rd as the day to induce her!
Well it has only been over 2 weeks and I haven't posted about my niece coming into the world! It was such a good day, to good not to document. My sisters official due date was June 15 but closer to the end the doctors were saying that they were thinking it looked like her due date should have been closer to the 20th or 25th. So we weren't quite sure when baby girl would get here! Alecia (my sister/the mom) was more that ready to have this baby, her due date came and passed and still no baby! They set June 23rd as the day to induce her!
Thursday June 20th
While I was at work I got a text from my sister telling me to keep my phone by me because she thought that she might be having her baby soon. Keep in mind I live in Utah county and I had to drive to Logan. I hadn't heard anything about the baby coming and that evening was the NBA finals game and we were having a little party at our house. So I went home and got everything ready for that as well as packed a bag for me just in case I would be heading out soon. About an hour before the game was over my mom called and said they were going up to the hospital I asked her if she thought I should come and she said yes, if the baby doesn't come tonight she will come tomorrow. I waited until the end of the game (GO MIAMI) and I headed up to Logan.
Friday June 21st
I got to the hospital around 12:30AM where my sister was hooked up to all the monitors seeing if things were moving in the right direction. They weren't. She was still dilated to a one and contractions just weren't close enough. So at about 1:00AM they came in, gave my sister a Loratab to help with the pain so she could get some sleep and they sent her home. Well the only thing wrong with that is Alecia hadn't eaten anything for quite a while... So as soon as we walked in my parents door she was throwing up! About every 5 minute she was throwing up and her pain was out of control. I felt so bad for her. She called the doctor and they told her to take a bath, so she did but she just kept throwing up! She kept insisting that we take her back to the hospital but we needed to time her contractions first. As soon as we did we realized that the contractions were 3 to 4 minutes apart. So at about 3:00AM my mom took her up to the hospital again. She told me just to try and get some sleep. I maybe got about 2 minutes of sleep when my phone started ringing. It was my mom, Alecia was dilated to a 3. I headed up to the hospital where they gave my sister some medicine to calm her down and to help with the nausea.
At about 3:45AM they gave her the epidural. By 9AM she was dilated to a 10. She started pushing at 10AM. It was such an amazing thing to be apart of. She pushed for 2 and a half hours, and nothing was really happening. The doctor finally came in and told her that really the only option was a C-Section. The reason why is because her pelvic bone is flat instead of a little rounded and they baby just kept running into the pelvic bone. She was so strong, I can't imagine pushing for that long after getting no sleep and going through all that! Women are truly amazing, the things our bodies can do amazes me! They prepped her and Josh (the dad/my brother in law) for surgery and they were off. Alecia was emotional, she was scared for her baby and the recovery but it was what they had to do. My dad gave her a blessing and I hope that helped calm her down.
Friday June 21st
At 1:24PM Taylor Ann Iverson entered the world at just 6 pounds 13 ounces and 18 inches long. Everything about her is perfect. She has dark hair and looks a lot like her dad! :) It is so sweet to see a dad with their baby, especially their baby girl. He was just so proud and it was the sweetest thing EVER.
We finally got to Alecia's room and we were able to see her and snuggle baby girl! Seriously, she is perfect and I am so proud of my sister. She looked like she was so exhausted but was just so proud of her new precious baby girl. We were able to watch Josh give the baby her first bath.
From the beginning she was a good baby, she hardly cried when she came out and when she did it was a little peep and only lasted a second, she is such a good baby! After the bath my mom and I headed home to get cleaned up. We had spent the whole night up with Alecia and on to Friday but it was all so worth it. We went home and showered and headed back up to the hospital for one last snuggle before we went to bed.
Saturday June 22
My mom and I got up and ran some errands and had some breakfast. We got Alecia some flowers, balloons and cute sweats to lounge around in so she still felt cute but comfy! We also got Jaxon (my sisters step son) a big brother gift with some toys and treats. Right when we got to the hospital Josh was walking in with Jaxon to meet his new baby sister for the first time. It was so sweet, he was a natural and SO cute with her.
I am so happy I was there to capture this moment. He was the proudest big brother! :) Rob called me and told me he was almost to Logan, he finally got to meet baby girl.

He was such a natural, it melted my heart! He is going to be such a good dad some day. :)
It was amazing seeing her for the first time! You just don't know what to expect or who she is going to look like, she is perfect in every day and we are all so in love. :) And she LOVES her tongue it is so cute! I think she was starving when she was born!
We finally got to Alecia's room and we were able to see her and snuggle baby girl! Seriously, she is perfect and I am so proud of my sister. She looked like she was so exhausted but was just so proud of her new precious baby girl. We were able to watch Josh give the baby her first bath.
From the beginning she was a good baby, she hardly cried when she came out and when she did it was a little peep and only lasted a second, she is such a good baby! After the bath my mom and I headed home to get cleaned up. We had spent the whole night up with Alecia and on to Friday but it was all so worth it. We went home and showered and headed back up to the hospital for one last snuggle before we went to bed.
Saturday June 22
My mom and I got up and ran some errands and had some breakfast. We got Alecia some flowers, balloons and cute sweats to lounge around in so she still felt cute but comfy! We also got Jaxon (my sisters step son) a big brother gift with some toys and treats. Right when we got to the hospital Josh was walking in with Jaxon to meet his new baby sister for the first time. It was so sweet, he was a natural and SO cute with her.
I am so happy I was there to capture this moment. He was the proudest big brother! :) Rob called me and told me he was almost to Logan, he finally got to meet baby girl.
He was such a natural, it melted my heart! He is going to be such a good dad some day. :)
Sunday June 23
Alecia and Taylor were able to go home from the hospital. They came and stayed at my parents house in Logan, as well as Josh and Jaxon for a few days so we could help while Josh was at work and because the baby had a doctors appointment on Wednesday. It was so fun to be around the baby for those few days, I wish I could see her everyday. My sister is such a good mom to Jaxon and Taylor, there are some days that as a mom I am sure it is SO hard and you just want to cry but she is so good to both of them! No parent is perfect and she is pretty good at being a mom!
What a perfect week it was! You should expect to see more pictures along the way of this princess. :)
Thanks for following!
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XOXO, Mariah