Fashion & Lifestyle: Luxury Lens


Luxury Lens

You might have noticed already but I made a couple of changes to my blog. One being the layout! I decided it was time for a change. Also,my tabs you will see Luxury Lens. For over a year I have been the designated photographer for events and slowly have come to really enjoy it! It is intimidating, I still have a lot to learn but I am excited to be open for business. :) One morning while being up at 6 am with my baby I was thinking of goals for 2015 and this is one of them. I want to grow in something, I want to take a hobby and really master it!
So I want to introduce to you Luxury Lens.
I have a Facebook page and a blog. If you head over to my Facebook page I currently have a giveaway happening for a FREE HOUR LONG SESSION. If you live in Utah or know someone who lives in Utah, send them my way! My prices are insanely low! That is one thing I want to keep with this business, low prices. I feel like people would be more likely to do newborns, maternity pictures, family pictures, etc. if prices weren't so high. Photography makes me happy, I love seeing people happy and capturing those moments that need to be treasured.


Thank you all for your love and support!

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  1. congratulations on the new venture and good luck! I always wanted to do a newborn shoot for my now 5 year old, but I couldn't afford the prices. can't wait to see more!

  2. Congrats on you business. All your photo's look great.


Thanks for commenting!
XOXO, Mariah