Fashion & Lifestyle: August 2016


Toddler Activity Box

I posted a picture on Instagram (@lifestylebymariah) the other day of Krew playing with play doh and I talked a little bit about how his activity is OUR sanity. He loves it and so do I, it is a time where I can put him in a chair and get little things done. So after posting that picture I got a lot of questions about the activity box and I thought I would break down the specifics here. I got the idea of the activity box after we took Krew to nursery for the first time (it was a struggle then and still is now) and they tried to get him to sit and color and just have some down time. It really didn't go over well and I didn't want him to be the only kid that wouldn't sit and color or just relax, so I thought that we needed to work with him. I was 38 weeks pregnant and I hauled him to Ikea where we picked out a little cute table and then to Walmart to get items for the activity box, here is what I put in it.

*If you are like me and don't like hauling your kids to the store and would prefer to shop online for everything (even groceries), I've made it easy for you and linked the items for you below as well.

Coloring books
Construction paper
Play Doh
Play Doh tools
Flash Cards

This box has honestly saved my sanity so many times, and often I even find myself sitting there coloring with him.  I keep the box in the top of the closet making it kind of a reward even though it really helps me out too. Now, some of the items I have to supervise so he only gets to play with those things when I am folding laundry or doing dishes and watching what he is doing so we don't have an absolute mess everywhere! I hope this post helps all my fellow mommy friends who just need a minute to clean, cook, nurse, give yourself a manicure/pedicure or even just sit down and relax through out the day knowing your toddler is occupied with something that won't destroy your house in a matter of seconds.


T-Strap Clogs

This morning my 6:30am (baby wanting to nurse) wake up call went off. I fed Henley and right when I was done Krew woke up. So since my to do list was a mile long we got ready and headed out the door while the baby and Rob were sleeping. I got nearly everything done by 9am. I love days like that! Even when I end the day tired there is nothing like crossing things off your mile long to do list. Now lets talk about this outfit, but mainly these shoes! THEY ARE TO DIE FOR! I wasn't quite sure about them at first but I am now in love and they are the perfect shoe to pair with jeans, dresses, skirts.. you name it! I am slowing adding more and more Fall items to my wardrobe to get me excited about Fall. 


My little boyfriend

Top (similar) - Jeans - Shoes (similar)

Please excuse the overload but I could not narrow it down. Krew loves picking flowers and bringing them to me. Although he shouldn't be picking some of the flowers he brings me it still melts my heart! Terrible twos (and he isn't even two yet) are no joke but then there are moments like this that you can't get back and oh how I love these sweet little moments. 


Kate Spade Sale


I just had to let everyone in on a little secret that doesn't know! Kate Spade is having an amazing sale and you don't want to miss it. I am all about buying high end products when they are highly discounted. Here are some items that are on my list. The prices are great!!


Newborn & Toddler Travel Essentials

As some of you might know about a month ago we took a family vacation and road tripped to Souther California. I have got a lot of questions on how we traveled with two under two, especially with a newborn. I thought I would share some traveling essentials and a few things that we couldn't live without. All of these items (but the fan) can be found at, and that is why I love it so much. It is a one stop shop not just any baby products but for the best baby products. They research and sell the best of the best! Being a parent can be so hard sometimes and it is nice to know that Baby Cubby has already researched the items you are buying and make you confident in your decision. They aren't just any baby store, they are a resource for parents and I know that I need all the resources I can get in this journey as a mom. 

Stroller - It is important to bring a stroller that is not only accommodating to your little one but also one that doesn't take up a ton of space. The City Tour Lightweight Jogger literally folds up smaller and easier than any stroller I have ever seen. This would be perfect for a road trip or if you have a smaller car (like me). My favorite part about this stroller is that it can fold up and be carried in a travel back pack. I am all about having free hands to take care of my babies and having a stroller that takes up less space. 

Backpack - I would recommend a backpack style diaper bag to anyone with kids, especially an active toddler. The Little Unicorn Marindale backpack diaper bag is cute and functional which is perfect for travel.

Muslin Swaddle - Often times I use a swaddle blanket as a nursing cover too. The Little Unicorn Muslin Swaddles are huge! I just tie the swaddle around my neck and it covers me while nursing and keeps the baby cool which is important when you are in the heat too. I can't stand nursing when I am sweating, it stresses me out! Ha ha please tell me I am not the only one. Also, Henley has to be swaddled most the time so I always have a swaddle with her as well as an extra one in the diaper bag. This makes the swaddles have more than one use and saves space for travel.   

Toys & Snacks - Krew loves having his own little backpack with toys and snacks to carry around. This cute backpack is perfect for him. I like to let him pick some of his favorite toys and snacks to put in his backpack. Then I will add some surprises in there from the dollar store and that makes traveling fun and exciting for him. 

Small Pump - Since Henley is exclusively nursed and I produce so much milk, sometimes after nursing I still feel like I need to pump a little. I know everyone says that will make you produce more but I never pump more than and ounce or two out of each side just for relief especially since I get mastitis so easily. Also, she sleeps 7 hours at night so especially in the morning I pump after I feed her. I love this pump because it is small, easy to clean and easy to pack. I would highly recommend something like this for moms who nurse and have the same problem (it is better than having a low milk supply so I am not complaining at all) as me. 

4moms Breeze Playard - When we were in Vegas on our way down we stayed in hotels. I know that some hotels let you rent them for like $20 a night and when we were in California we stayed in a condo and we weren't sure if there was one there, so we just brought ours. These are a necessity for every parent, especially if you have little ones. 

Fan - This seriously saved our lives more time than once. When we were in California we spent most our time on the beach, in the hot sun and a full day at Lego Land. You guys it was HOT. I got this fan and would just sit it in the top of the carseat and put a blanket over the front of it and it was like an air conditioned room. We also put it in our tent and used it to blow cold air on Krew when he was napping at the beach. 


Teal Shift Dress & Booties

Dress - Boots - Necklace (in store at Old Navy)
Lip color: Lexie Bear-y by Lipsense (I sell it if you are interested)

 I can't believe I am wearing booties. Fall no doubt is around the corner and I am not thrilled. I love the cute clothes that the Fall season brings but I love warm weather, pool days and just being in the sun. I also dread having an active toddler cooped up inside when the weather gets cold. Until then I will enjoy the sun, and the pool. This outfit is the perfect outfit when transitioning into Fall. When I took these pictures it was in the 90s and I wasn't too hot! This outfit would also be cute paired with a floppy hat and a long cardigan. What are some pieces you are excited for this Fall? 


Trooper babies

this smile!!!! hahaha

Tickling her toes

This handsome boy sleeps in a big boy bed now!

What a crazy week it has been! We found a place to live on Saturday and we moved in Tuesday. I finally finished getting everything cleaned up and put away last night! To celebrate we will be going shopping with my mom and spending the rest of the day at the pool and splash pad because my babies were troopers!


Henley - 2 Month Update

I will probably say this every month for the rest of her life, but I can't believe she is 2 months old! Time is flying, this Summer is flying! Henley is seriously the easiest baby. She is easy to comfort and just so sweet and HAPPY! For her 2 month birthday we moved and she was a trooper, this is also why this is a day late. Well here are a few more things about baby girl:

*Sleeps from 10:30pm to 6:30am (then back to bed until 8 or 9am) consistently every night
*Smiles & talks all day long
*Naps really well, lets be honest she sleeps great! She must get that from me (before I had kids ha ha)
*Went on her first vacation to the beach in Southern California. She loved the beach, looking out at the ocean and lounging out in the shade and being pushed around in her stroller getting all the attention.
*Started wearing 0-3 month clothes this week although they are still a little baggie
*Also switched to size 1 diapers this week (we love the Costco brand, they are just like Huggies in my opinion)
*Still loves her binky and being swaddled
*Krew now says Henley (sounds like Honey) and I can't even handle how cute it is!

We are so blessed to have such a sweet spirit in our home. I don't know what we would do without her. I tell Rob all the time that she makes me want to have a million more kids!